Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fonnie Filden is my Friend: 7 Tips to Hermeneutics

Fonnie Filden is my Friend: 7 Secrets to Biblical Hermeneutics:

by Joey Arnold on Monday, September 5, 2011 at 7:49pm

Facebook almost deleted Ronnie Gilden. I mean, Fonnie Filden.

Fonnie Filden: the Torah Master: is my dirty sweet Friend to the end.

In other words, Facebook almost deleted a post about biblical hermeneutics, as follows, all due to some low-life complaints by those who will try to remain nameless here, because they don't have the guts to confront me in person. So, in other words, this post has nothing to do with Ronnie Gilden or Fonnie Filden. The F is the only continent between the first letter to the first and last name of Ronnie Gilden, which is not to be confused with some other famous actors or actresses. Oh, wait, that would only work for Donald Gilden. I was working with my dad today on Labour Day. Sweet family tradition. I might pass on this family tradition to my kids. Oh no. On Christmas Day, "Um, like, kid, here's a shovel. Your present is in the ground. Dig it up in a heart beat. Enjoy...... ok, that was fun...... got to go back to work!" Kid yells back, "Dad, but it's only 6am Christmas Day? Why do you have to go work today?" I reply calmly, "Because this is what my father did, and his father did, and his father did. I am a jedi, like my father before me!" Then we start dancing to Weird Al, Michael Jackson, & Britney Spears music videos.

So, anyways, this has nothing to do with Super Man Clark Kent, the Torah Master, Janet Bailey, Scrubs, Real Life, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, girls, Madison Bowsers, revenge, Michael Kurtz, random people, depravity, confusion, more names, many words, and oncoming series which will enhance this. If you are confused then just stop reading. Or you can read on about some of the secrets to living the Bible. Or you may feel led to block me as some do now, I'll Fight, says Lincoln Hawk. I will go email this article of the faith to myself before you guys ban up to ban my account or to delete this post or whatever that floats your boat. Please enjoy. And remember, you can run away from Oatmeal L4OJ GYJO Joey Arnold, but you can't hide. Enjoy!

First, we can't pretend that we are who we are not. For example, you can't say that you are and were Abraham Lincoln. Likewise, we shouldn't say that we were there for all of the events of the Bible. If we aren't totally Jewish, then we can't exactly say that we're just like the biblical-era Jews. If you are jewish, then saying that you're just as Jewish in the same ways as Moses and the biblical patriarchs are: then that is like saying that you are your father or grandfather in every kind of way. Or it is like saying you are your own grandpa. Which can be done, some do say. I'll fight to that. Not my cup of tea but this Fonald Filden.

Second, we cannot pretend to be where we are not. We cannot say that we live on Pluto if we in fact live on this earth instead. We also can't say that we live in Israel, where biblical history occurs, unless if we do. But then again, if you live in Israel, then please note that Israel wasn't exactly called Palestine way back then. Some things were a little different. So, don't forget about that. You can be in the same physical geographical area and still be in a totally different spot.

Third, we cannot say that we are when we are not: that we live five billion years ago with the dinosaurs (if evolution is true) or that we lived during the events of the Bible, all of them, as they were happening.

Fourth, even if we speak Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, we cannot say that we speak the same exact versions of those languages. Old English, for example, is so different than modern English. That goes for all languages.

Fifth, we cannot say that applications are principles. Many times, we look at a commandment, and we begin following their application rather than searching for the principles which can help us develop a more modern application to the same truths. I will give you one word for this.

Situational Ethics.

Sixth, we cannot say that everything and everyone are the same now as it was then.

Seventh, we can't assume that life is as it seems.

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